
Bending The Biggest
Fueling The Fastest

Din kreative partner inden for digital strategi, branding og commerce. Jeg ser muligheder for vækst under vanskelige markedsforhold og hjælper din virksomhed med at blomstre gennem innovativ sparring og kreativ produktudvikling.



Services, helt konkret

  • At hjælpe virksomheder med digital transformation
  • Udarbejdelse af innovationsstrategi
  • Digital produktudvikling
  • Forretningsudvikling og strategi
  • Strategi for bæredygtig udvikling
  • Kreativ sparring

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Der er flere måder, vi kan arbejde sammen på.


Skræddersyede projektaftaler, der passer til jeres behov og tidsrammer, så vi sikrer, at et projekt kommer sikkert i mål.

Månedlig retainer

En månedlig retainer sikrer, at I løbende har adgang til rådgivning og støtte, hvilket giver jer fleksibilitet og sikkerhed.


Som interim leder kan jeg hurtigt træde ind og håndtere opgaver i overgangsperioder, hvilket minimerer forstyrrelser i virksomhedens drift og udvikling.


Jeg bringer en innovativ og transformativ tilgang til bestyrelsesarbejde, hvilket styrker jeres virksomheds strategiske retning og skaber langsigtet værdi.

Advisory boards

Som medlem af jeres advisory board hjælper jeg med at navigere komplekse udfordringer og større forandringer.

Tidligere samarbejder/


Klient: Set Snail
År: 2024
Ny kurs for spiludvikler

Som rådgiver inden for kommerciel strategi, samarbejdede jeg tæt med ledelsesteamet og vores partnere om at fastlægge en ny kommerciel strategi for at tage imod fremtiden med åbne arme. Det gjorde vi ved at udbygge relationer og arbejde for nogle af verdens største spil- og underholdningsvirksomheder.

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Klient: BUILD17
År: 2024
Platform til dokumentering af CO2-lagring og meget mere.

Som rådgiver inden for produkt- og marketingsstrategi, har jeg understøttet stiftere og ledelse i at skubbe BUILD17 ud på verdensscenen for at danne nye partnerskaber, samt understøttet skabelsen af en centra digital platform og produkt.

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Klient: The LEGO Group
År: 2024
Forstærket strategisk innovation indenfor leg

Som rådgiver inden for strategisk innovation har jeg samarbejdet med indtil flere interne afdelinger om at udvikle fremtidens legeoplevelse.

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Jeg tror på kraften i ekspertise og samarbejde. Mit netværk består af førende specialister inden for tre centrale kompetenceområder: Digital, Brand og Commerce. Sammen arbejder vi på at levere innovative løsninger, der driver vækst og styrker din forretningsposition i markedet.

Jeg tror på kraften i ekspertise og samarbejde. Mit netværk består af førende specialister inden for tre centrale kompetenceområder: Digital, Brand og Commerce. Sammen arbejder vi på at levere innovative løsninger, der driver vækst og styrker din forretningsposition i markedet.

  • UI
  • UX
  • DevOps
  • Teknisk Arkitektur
  • Platform Design
  • Service Design
  • Brand Design
  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Growth
  • Business Design
  • Forretningsudvikling
  • Omnichannel Strategy
  • Marketing Innovation


Daniel Kowal-Andersen

Digital transformation og forretningsforståelse møder bæredygtighed og kreativitet.

Tidligt i min karriere fik jeg øjnene op for hvordan digitalisering ville ændre alt. Et par år senere indså jeg at det samme gjaldt bæredygtighed. Disse erkendelser har formet min tilgang til innovation og forretningsudvikling.

Dette er gennemgående i min rådgivning indenfor digitalisering, branding og commerce, hvilket ikke kun forbedrer virksomheders effektivitet og bundlinje, men også deres ansvarlighed over for verden.

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Jeg har i snart to årtier slebet mine tænder i udviklingsbranchen - fra innovation og kommunikation til kundeoplevelser og ecommerce.

  • LEGO Group
  • Valtech
  • DesignIt
  • USE Agency

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Anbefalinger fra folk jeg har arbejdet sammen med.

"There's only a handful of people in the world that I would recommend for both high performing digital product exploration and for an awesome night out with beers, friends and jokes. Daniel is one of those. A supremely talented individual in the realm of product innovation.

I have had the privilege of collaborating with Daniel in various projects, both in my role as head of LEGO.com and CMO for Mediehusene, and Daniels contributions to our projects have consistently been nothing short of exceptional."

Sune Jakobsen
CDO @ Zite
"I have worked closely with Daniel on many occasions. He excels when working within the scope of strategic direction, concept development and design execution. His contribution reflects his personality in that it is always positively surprising. His thinking possesses the edge innovators seek. Daniel has the professional confidence and capabilities to go the extra mile, ensuring his thinking is genuinely fresh and new, while being founded in well-validated fact. His intellect and work ethic are matched by his ability as a communicator, enabling him to clearly convey the complexities of design value. Daniel is a fine ambassador for design-thinking and doing. I can sincerely recommend him without hesitation."

Mads Kjøller Damkjær
Senior Vice President @ ARC Group
“Daniel is an energetic and engaged person and a fast and clever thinker. He will contribute to any situation, project or meeting with with new perspectives and engagement, but also modesty when needed. He knows 'Design' by heart and how to bring it to a strategic level. He's a fast talker who immediately connects with people and he's fun to be around.”

Anne Louise Grønnebæk Hansen
Co-Founder of VÆRK and Independent consultant @ www.Strategiskdesign.dk
“From brainstorming sessions to presenter mode, Daniel takes the audience by storm! I have had the pleasure of working with Daniel and what an amazing time. His creative and innovative mindset combined with his gifted communication skills has been a great inspiration and guideline on how to take experience to the next level.

Daniel is a true motivator and has a caring personality that leaves no man behind - this guy is a leader by heart.”

Denise Christensen Uguis
Art Director @ evenmade studio
“Daniel is a very creative and innovative thinker, who I have had the pleasure of working with - and learning from - at Valtech. He is a quick thinker in difficult situations, and stays true to a Deweyan pragmatic approach. Furthermore, he is one funny guy and very pleasant to work with."

Frederik Dalum
Customer Experience Manager @ TDC NET
“Det har været en fornøjelse at arbejde sammen med Daniel, der udover sit innovative og kreative mindset, har en fortrinlig evne til at eksekvere, samt et enormt resultatorienteret drive, til stærk inspiration for sine medmennesker.
Daniel har ved flere lejligheder bevist sin faglige kunnen, i kombination med evnen til at at arbejde tværorganisatorisk. Daniel er generelt meget velanset blandt kolleger og kunder. ”

Kasper Knudsen
Senior Client Director @ IMPACT Commerce
“In my experience working with him, he brought a much needed breath of fresh air to his department and those around him. Daniel was always looking at any way in which his team could improve their support for us in making the best possible prototypes for kids.

He always went above and beyond to ensure this was the case by diving into tasks and challenges head on with grit and passion to make sure things happened. There was always a genuine and curious interest in what we were designing and how we could make great toys together.”

Tim Ainley
Senior Design Manager @ The LEGO Group
“I have worked closely with Daniel on many occasions. He excels when working within the scope of strategic direction, concept development and design execution. His contribution reflects his personality in that it is always positively surprising. His thinking possesses the edge innovators seek. Daniel has the professional confidence and capabilities to go the extra mile, ensuring his thinking is genuinely fresh and new, while being founded in well-validated fact. His intellect and work ethic are matched by his ability as a communicator, enabling him to clearly convey the complexities of design value. Daniel is a fine ambassador for design-thinking and doing. I can sincerely recommend him without hesitation.”

Andrew Nagel
Senior Creative Director @ DEVELOPA
“...Extremely talented, confident and knowledgeable in his field of expertise, Daniel also comes across as a humble, highly approachable and down-to-earth individual with a great sense of humor and enthusiasm that simply shines through.
Being a true team player, he demonstrates super collaborative skills across functions and is also a passionate leader with strong drive who is able to motivate, inspire and lead teams in midst of changes with his positive energy and “can-do” attitude.
Daniel delivers consistently and often exceeds expectations. He brings new perspectives and solutions to some of the most demanding challenges and projects have benefited tremendously from his support and valuable inputs.”

Dennis Fong
Senior Design Manager @ The LEGO Group
“I worked closely with Daniel for more than a year. During that time I experienced him as a highly comitted and passionate colleague - often challenging himself and others around him to think outside the box and strive towards excellence.
Daniel manages to make his great creative ideas come to life by collaborating with those around him in an open and straightforward way that builds trust. Both with his nearest colleagues and those in the wider team. I believe Daniels versatile skills in design and team leadership will make him a valuable contribution to many organisations”

Søren Borup
Senior Product Manager @ The LEGO Group
“I can highly recommend Daniel. We worked together on a number of early concepts, taking an agile approach where we iterated through concept prototypes and had the kids make the hard call on what's fun.
Daniel quickly understands the product potential you are trying to realize and his can-do attitude spreads to whoever he's working with, resulting in a wealth of tangible product prototypes, that makes decision-making so much easier. No problem is too big for Daniel, no deadline too short.Would not hesitate to team up with Daniel again if I get the chance.”

Henrik Engmark Daae
Sr. Director, Head of Digital Products @ The LEGO Group

Find flere anbefalinger på min LinkedIn


Anbefalinger fra folk jeg har arbejdet sammen med.

"There's only a handful of people in the world that I would recommend for both high performing digital product exploration and for an awesome night out with beers, friends and jokes. Daniel is one of those. A supremely talented individual in the realm of product innovation.

I have had the privilege of collaborating with Daniel in various projects, both in my role as head of LEGO.com and CMO for Mediehusene, and Daniels contributions to our projects have consistently been nothing short of exceptional."

Sune Jakobsen
CDO @ Zite
"I have worked closely with Daniel on many occasions. He excels when working within the scope of strategic direction, concept development and design execution. His contribution reflects his personality in that it is always positively surprising. His thinking possesses the edge innovators seek. Daniel has the professional confidence and capabilities to go the extra mile, ensuring his thinking is genuinely fresh and new, while being founded in well-validated fact. His intellect and work ethic are matched by his ability as a communicator, enabling him to clearly convey the complexities of design value. Daniel is a fine ambassador for design-thinking and doing. I can sincerely recommend him without hesitation."

Mads Kjøller Damkjær
Senior Vice President @ ARC Group
“Daniel is an energetic and engaged person and a fast and clever thinker. He will contribute to any situation, project or meeting with with new perspectives and engagement, but also modesty when needed. He knows 'Design' by heart and how to bring it to a strategic level. He's a fast talker who immediately connects with people and he's fun to be around.”

Anne Louise Grønnebæk Hansen
Co-Founder of VÆRK and Independent consultant @ www.Strategiskdesign.dk
“From brainstorming sessions to presenter mode, Daniel takes the audience by storm! I have had the pleasure of working with Daniel and what an amazing time. His creative and innovative mindset combined with his gifted communication skills has been a great inspiration and guideline on how to take experience to the next level.

Daniel is a true motivator and has a caring personality that leaves no man behind - this guy is a leader by heart.”

Denise Christensen Uguis
Art Director @ evenmade studio
“Daniel is a very creative and innovative thinker, who I have had the pleasure of working with - and learning from - at Valtech. He is a quick thinker in difficult situations, and stays true to a Deweyan pragmatic approach. Furthermore, he is one funny guy and very pleasant to work with."

Frederik Dalum
Customer Experience Manager @ TDC NET
“Det har været en fornøjelse at arbejde sammen med Daniel, der udover sit innovative og kreative mindset, har en fortrinlig evne til at eksekvere, samt et enormt resultatorienteret drive, til stærk inspiration for sine medmennesker.
Daniel har ved flere lejligheder bevist sin faglige kunnen, i kombination med evnen til at at arbejde tværorganisatorisk. Daniel er generelt meget velanset blandt kolleger og kunder. ”

Kasper Knudsen
Senior Client Director @ IMPACT Commerce
“In my experience working with him, he brought a much needed breath of fresh air to his department and those around him. Daniel was always looking at any way in which his team could improve their support for us in making the best possible prototypes for kids.

He always went above and beyond to ensure this was the case by diving into tasks and challenges head on with grit and passion to make sure things happened. There was always a genuine and curious interest in what we were designing and how we could make great toys together.”

Tim Ainley
Senior Design Manager @ The LEGO Group
“I have worked closely with Daniel on many occasions. He excels when working within the scope of strategic direction, concept development and design execution. His contribution reflects his personality in that it is always positively surprising. His thinking possesses the edge innovators seek. Daniel has the professional confidence and capabilities to go the extra mile, ensuring his thinking is genuinely fresh and new, while being founded in well-validated fact. His intellect and work ethic are matched by his ability as a communicator, enabling him to clearly convey the complexities of design value. Daniel is a fine ambassador for design-thinking and doing. I can sincerely recommend him without hesitation.”

Andrew Nagel
Senior Creative Director @ DEVELOPA
“...Extremely talented, confident and knowledgeable in his field of expertise, Daniel also comes across as a humble, highly approachable and down-to-earth individual with a great sense of humor and enthusiasm that simply shines through.
Being a true team player, he demonstrates super collaborative skills across functions and is also a passionate leader with strong drive who is able to motivate, inspire and lead teams in midst of changes with his positive energy and “can-do” attitude.
Daniel delivers consistently and often exceeds expectations. He brings new perspectives and solutions to some of the most demanding challenges and projects have benefited tremendously from his support and valuable inputs.”

Dennis Fong
Senior Design Manager @ The LEGO Group
“I worked closely with Daniel for more than a year. During that time I experienced him as a highly comitted and passionate colleague - often challenging himself and others around him to think outside the box and strive towards excellence.
Daniel manages to make his great creative ideas come to life by collaborating with those around him in an open and straightforward way that builds trust. Both with his nearest colleagues and those in the wider team. I believe Daniels versatile skills in design and team leadership will make him a valuable contribution to many organisations”

Søren Borup
Senior Product Manager @ The LEGO Group
“I can highly recommend Daniel. We worked together on a number of early concepts, taking an agile approach where we iterated through concept prototypes and had the kids make the hard call on what's fun.
Daniel quickly understands the product potential you are trying to realize and his can-do attitude spreads to whoever he's working with, resulting in a wealth of tangible product prototypes, that makes decision-making so much easier. No problem is too big for Daniel, no deadline too short.Would not hesitate to team up with Daniel again if I get the chance.”

Henrik Engmark Daae
Sr. Director, Head of Digital Products @ The LEGO Group

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